We got previews back from Hannah's picture day. None of them captured a good Hannah smile, but we want to order some anyway. The question is, which one? If everyone can take a minute to vote for your favorite, it would help me decide which to order. They look a little off because they had some stuff on the side that I cropped after scanning.
Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4
It is a tie between #4 and none of the above. Can they reshoot?
If I had to choose, I'd say go with the first one. Unless you want goofy face Hannah! LOL
I would pick the first picture. I don't like the way her hands are in the other pics.
By the way, can I just say that I am very angry at the writer's of last night's "Private Practice". They could've come up with something better than Crohn's - I mean that isn't that hard to diagnose. Oh well!
My choice is Photo #1 but I would ask them if they could reshoot. She's such a cutie and these pictures don't do her justice.
Definately, #1.
I kind of liked number 2 or 3 since it kind of captured her sassiness but I don't know. Unfortunately, there are no retakes. :( The good news is that we can get a better one when we do the family shots next month.
Oh, and Michelle...I haven't gotten a chance to really watch last night's Private Practice. It was on in the background for noise. I hate to say it, but I just don't care. I don't think that it'll be around for very much longer - the way they're portraying Addison sucks. She seems like a completely different person than the Addison on Grey's.
#1 if you can't get a re-shoot.
Looks like she's trying too hard to pose. 'Course that's why we have those digital cameras. Shoot a lot and save the best.
I was actually kind of surprised that these were the photos that came back. Obviously, they didn't use a digital camera. I really thought that everyone...professionals included...had switched to digital. Heck, even Bobbi has a digital camera! ;) (Just teasing you, Bobbi) I'm curious as to how everyone else's photos came out.
You are right about the digital camera thing - my stepfather is a photographer and he uses digital and the photographer for my brother's wedding in June used digital - he took over 2,000 pictures - put them all on disks and gave them to Brian and Ashleigh. It was really cool!!!
You are also right about Private Practice - she is soooo needy and whiney - I get enough of that in my real world I don't need it on TV too.
Well, I choose #2. It's not the greatest Hannah picture, but has a cuteness to it.
-- SJ
We liked #2 as well. That's the one we went with.
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