So, you all read about the tire. So, I go up to Sam's after picking up the kids from school and I'm told that they can't get to it until around 7. Can I drop the van off? So, after making our obligatory Sam's purchase, we head home. I came home and baked my butt off.
Mike's parents came in for a weekend visit on Saturday. We decided to do an early Rosh Hashanah dinner (which is why I was baking my butt off) and that turned out really nice. Daniel somehow suckered Ed into playing Pokemon with him and Hannah felt that he needed to wear her little hat. Here's a picture...
Anyway, Sunday, we all headed up to the synagogue for the boys' first day of Sunday School. It was an all morning thing with breakfast, a service, orientation and mezuzzah dedications. After we were done, Mike took his parents up to the airport and they headed for home.
Monday, I dropped the boys off at school and took Hannah to gymnastics. I was getting really nervous about the spare still being on the van since I don't think you're supposed to drive on them for that long. As always, she had a great time because she loves her class. Right after I dropped Hannah off at school, I headed back over to Sam's to have the tire fixed.
Once again, I'm told that they're running about 3 hours behind and I'll need to drop off the van. This time, I just drop off the tire and I'm told that they'll call when the tire's ready to go. Sweet. I head home and wait for the call. In the meantime, I have to pick up Hannah and the boys from school. Still no call from the tire guys at Sam's. Ugh. Between homework and dinner, I completely forgot about it until after they were closed. Crap. I knew that Tuesday would suck. (and I'm still driving on that darn spare)
Tuesday, I drop the boys off at school and head over to my first MOPS meeting of the semester. There was no way I was going to miss that. My table is awesome. We've all got kids around the same age so we're going to start a weekly playgroup. So cool. Anyway, after, Hannah and I headed back to Sam's to have the tire done. I walked in and they can't find my paperwork (which is why there was no call), but they do have the tire and it's fixed. Give them 40 minutes and it'll be ready. Hannah and I decide to grab a hot dog and wait.
50 minutes later, we head back over to the tire area and I'm told that they haven't even been able to start the work yet but they'd get it in ASAP. 15 minutes later, I'm handed the keys and am told that it's ready to go, but not before they asked if I'd like the spare put back. Uhh...yeah. It only took one guy to put the tire back on, but three to put the spare back under the van. LOL! I was going to get really angry about all of the waiting until they told me that it's free. Seriously? Okay Hannah, let's get out of here before they change their minds. We head straight over to the boys' school to pick them up since it was early release day. From there, we head home for homework and then over to Tae Kwon Do. Ugh.
We're getting ready for bed when Jacob reminds me he has a field trip today. Right...I remember. You need to wear jeans and bring a water bottle. "Oh, and I'll need a sack lunch, too," he tells me. What? Are you kidding me? Needless to say, I had nothing acceptable to put in a lunch box (unless you count ice cream sandwiches as acceptable) so I had to go to the store when Mike got home (around 9pm). Give me a break here...the kids always buy lunch at school! :)
This morning, I drop Jacob off at school and take Daniel and Hannah to their Dentist appointments. Jacob originally had one too but I figured that he'd rather go on his field trip so I rescheduled his appointment (for tomorrow...AAAAACCCCCKKKK!!!!). Both are given the thumbs up on their teeth and we head over to the school to drop Daniel off. Apparently, Daniel's teacher didn't get the message about Daniel being late because I had a nasty gram on voicemail from the school..."this is Lisa from the school. We're wondering if Daniel's sick or what because he's not here. Give us a call." Seriously?
We had two hours before Hannah needed to be at school so I decided to head across the border to the Boy Scout Shop to get the boys their uniforms. The guy there was so nice and even walked around the store with me to make sure I got what I needed. That Boy Scout Shop is very cool. They have tons of stuff...even a whole wall full of BS scrapbook stickers and papers. We ended up spending more time there than I had anticipated and walked out at 11:25. Hannah has to be at school by 12:15 and we're over in Missouri...oh, and she hasn't eaten lunch. Nice. We head back across the state line and I find a Burger King. For some stupid reason, I thought we had enough time to go in and eat, so that's what we do. At 11:40, I realize that I can't just drop her off from there because her backpack's at home. We run out of BK and pull onto Antioch. At this point, I'm about 15 minutes from home and it's 11:45. I should make it right on time. We drive about 1/2 mile and my gas light comes on. What? No no no no. Now, the plan is to get a couple of gallons of gas (it takes forever to completely fill up the tank), head home, get the backpack and get Hannah to school. The problem? There are no gas stations on Antioch. None. I have no idea how long I have before I completely run out of gas and I have many miles to go. (I'm right around 119th Street and I need to get to 151st...then about 4 miles from there to home and then another 2 miles to Hannah's school. From there, it's about 3 miles to the nearest gas station). Who planned this out? So, I hit 151st and go the 4 miles towards the house. I shoot right past the house and make an illegal left turn into the gas station. I get 4 gallons and head home...grab the backpack and arrive at Hannah's school at 12:21. Phew.
Unfortunately, it's not looking any better for me anytime soon...Tomorrow, Tae Kwon Do, a dentist appointment and Jacob's den meeting. And now, I'm going to watch a little People's Court while putting patches on the boys' uniforms. I should clean because something in the kitchen smells like feet but I don't wanna and you can't make me.
1 comment:
The pre-Rosh Hashanah dinner was lovely. The food was excellent. We had a great time at the Sunday school and were very sad that we had to leave. I love the picture of Ed with the hat. I'd like a copy if you can.
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