Friday, July 13, 2007


So, I'm reading a local parent's magazine (I actually look forward to picking this one up every month) and an article caught my eye. The title was Found Yourself in a Strange, New Land? Make Kansas Feel Like Home. As I'm reading, I'm getting ideas for stuff to do and whatnot and the author begins to share her own experiences moving here from California a couple of years ago. She then starts to talk about her neighborhood and how great it is because it's such a melting pot from around the country. Here's a line (my thoughts as I was reading are in parenthesis):

"'ll find that with a little effort, you can enjoy some camaraderie with your neighbors. Our street is dotted with families from St. Louis, Jefferson City, Indiana (hey! we have neighbors from Indiana), Ohio (we have neighbors from Ohio, too), Virginia (wait a minute! Who wrote this? Do I know a Jessica?), and California. The neighborhood has been blessed by different families planning Christmas caroling (we caroled last year! Does this girl live on my street?), housewarming parties and summertime playdays."

Turns out, the girl that wrote the article lives a few doors down from me! Too funny! Unfortunately, she's one that tends to not come out very often so I've never actually met her. I've waved to her a lot, though.

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