We did our dry run to the airport yesterday. There were lots of airplanes coming into Dulles and the kids had a great time spotting them. Hopefully, it'll all go as well as it did yesterday.
We also bought a crate for the dog. We were a little worried that it wouldn't fit into the car but it fit fine. It just took a little wiggling around and it was in. We rented a Suburban for the ride to the airport (since the cars will be on the truck) so there should be plenty of room.
After we got back, we had two very hungry kids in the car (Hannah had fallen asleep) and were desperate to have dinner. Unfortunately, everywhere we went had about a 30 minutes wait. We went to a little Italian place that usually isn't very busy. Jacob was thrilled to get his very own pizza and ate all of it. It was amazing how much their moods improved after getting something in their bellies.
I told Mike yesterday that the waiting was really starting to get to me. That I wished that we had decided to move this weekend instead of next because the waiting was really getting to me. I do think that waiting until next week was a good idea, though...getting the kids into a new school the week of Thanksgiving while there's not much going on, I think, is a good thing.
Cinemax has been running all of the Star Wars movies all weekend. It's pretty cool to watch all of them in order. Of course, nothing beats the original three (Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi). These are for Mike...
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