Monday, September 25, 2006

This Is Killing Me...

In Canada, instead of the Grey's Season 3 premiere, they accidentially ran Episode 2. GGGRRRRRR! Here's the problem: someone posted epi 2 on Youtube (of course they did!). They had to post it in like 5 parts, but it's still there. It's killing me. I keep telling myself that I don't want to watch; that I want to be surprised on Thursday. Then there's the part of me that says I'll just watch the first 7 minutes (the length of the first segment).



Anonymous said...

All you're going to do watching
it on youtube is give yourself
a HUGE spoiler. It's a little
crappy bad quality image on your
'puter screen. Wait and see it
on your TV screen. SHEESH!

Barbara said...

LOL!!! Thanks Dad! It's just so hard considering 85% of people on the message boards have seen epi 2 and a lot of the topics have "Episode 2 Spoiler" in the title. I really don't want to know what happens but it's hard when it's right there! Freaking Canadian TV!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So watch "Grave of the Fireflies"
and stay off the boards. Three
more days and it's there. The
only reason you should be going
to youtube is to see stuff that
you can't see anywhere else.


Barbara said...

Thanks to Youtube for deleting epi 2! That takes a lot of pressure off! :)

Anonymous said...

Rush Limbaugh was going on about
"Grey's Anatomy". It seems that
he watched three episodes and it
wore him out.


Barbara said...

What do you mean? Like he couldn't follow it?

Anonymous said...

Probably because it wasn't
football or "24". At any
rate, he admitted to watching
3 episodes which is giving it
a try.