Friday, September 01, 2006

This Is A First (11:30 Update)

I've seen schools closed for a lot of things...snow (in Illinois, not very often) and fog (all the time in Iowa) but the kids actually had a Hurricane Day. I don't mean to laugh. I often think of what Harry Whitacre would say about this school district. (For those that don't know, Harry Whitacre was the superintendant of the Peoria Public School District when I was growing up. That man closed school for NOTHING!)

I was really looking forward to going to my board meeting with just one with me! :(

2:30 Update: It's been raining steadily throughout the day. Nothing I'd even call heavy. There's also a small breeze but no big gusts. Basically, the kids got a day off for rain. This sucks.

11:30 Update: The rain continues. According to Weather Bug down at Senseny Road School, we've only gotten 2 inches of rain but according to the bucket on the deck, we've gotten a lot more than that. It's currently 53 degrees outside (we only got to 64 today) and winds are around 8 mph, gusting to 20 mph. Our biggest gust has been 27 mph. It should be ending soon, though.

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