I told Mike that this year, I'd give making Gefelte Fish a shot. I got the recipe from Mike's Mom and had intended making them last week. Time got away from me and they were never made. This week, Dad helped me hunt down the fish and they were made. I don't like fish much, so, the smell really got to me. Really, they were very easy to make if you can stand the smell. I was digging the fish out of under my nails for some time after! Yuck.
Dad was the first to try it and said that they were okay but bland. Mike had one with dinner and proclaimed them tasty. The things we do for love.
There isn't enough love in the world to make me wanna make those. I'm glad that they came out, though.
It's just nasty. I almost threw up a few times when I was making them into balls.
Deck them halls with fishy balls! Yeah, no.
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