Monday, April 24, 2006

It Could Be Worse

Mike's play was this past weekend. Saturday night, Rachel, the kids' favorite sitter, came to babysit so that I could go see the play. Mike had asked a co-worker and his family to come see it as well. I met this guy last summer but I was quite sure that I wouldn't be able to pick him out of a crowd. I sat waiting for the play to start when a family sat around me...why they didn't ask me to move over one seat so that they could sit together is beyond me. A good deal into the play, Mike makes his entrance. The guy on my left reaches over me and says to lady on my right, "that's him." She says, "that's the one you work with?" I was sitting next to Mike's friend without even knowing it! Mike thought that I had waited for him to arrive and sat with him. It was total coincidence. After the play, we all went out to dinner. It was so nice to enjoy a meal without the kids!

I took the kids to the play on Sunday. They were so excited to see Mike up on stage...Hannah kept asking where Mike went when he would go off stage. It was cute. He did a great job! The play was great and you could tell that they had all been working really hard on it.

I had today all planned out...I was going to take Daniel to school, go to Martin's and then come home and mow before going out to get Daniel. (sorry I ditched playgroup this morning, Michelle!) After lunch, I was going to tackle some laundry and some cleaning. Fat chance. I got Daniel to school and got to Martin's but while I was there, I ran into my friend, Barbra. We talked for a while and both decided that we need to finish our shopping but would probably get together at Jenny's Taste of Home launch party on Friday. Hannah had to go to the bathroom so I took her and when I came out, I saw Barbra talking to someone else. I jokingly yelled down the aisle, "now who are you talking to?" and Jenny turns her head. We had just been talking about her 5 minutes before. I walk down the aisle to say hello. So, here we are, the three of us and 3 kids totally blocking the aisle (Jenny and I both had one of those truck carts and Barbra had a big cart herself). It doesn't sound as funny written down here as it seemed this morning. Hmmmm.

Needless to say, because of my gabbing, I didn't get home with the groceries until 11:35. Not enough time to mow before I have to pick up Daniel. So, I grabbed the weed whacker and decided that I could at least get that done. I finished at the same time that I needed to leave the house to get Daniel. I did get the mowing done this afternoon...unfortunately, the house cleaning will have to wait until tomorrow.

Jacob has decided that he really wants to participate in TV Turn Off Week. We've made it through one day...I just hope it doesn't rain...we'll be just fine as long as we can stay outside. That sounds really bad, doesn't it? Although, if it rains, the likelyhood that the house will get cleaned greatly increases.


Susan said...

Trust me, it isn't really that hard to go without the tv. You know what a watcher I am, if I can do it, I know you can. Good luck, and bust out the cards or something. (We took some of our non tv time to start a weekly family meeting. Megan hated it, so it must have been good.)

Anonymous said...

I hope Family TV Off week is over by Sunday night - I cna't see you missing Grey's!!!!